St. Gregory the Great Church

Father Michael Dunn
P: 203-797-0222
E: frdunn@diobpt.org
Faith & Service
As stated in our mission, St. Gregory the Great School provides students with a strong moral foundation rooted in Gospel values. Students are encouraged to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, acts of kindness and service to others. We grow in faith not just in religion class but through our simple every day kind deeds.
The students attend mass weekly throughout the school year.
The students of St. Gregory participate in liturgies throughout the school year.
There are opportunities for the students to go to confession.
Each grade is involved in preparing and leading prayer services for the school community during different times of the year.
The student body is also involved in helping others outside the school community through service. Students bring in breakfast foods for Thanksgiving and decorated Thanksgiving place mats to give to the Morning Glory Breakfast Program. Socks, gloves and hats are also collected and bags are decorated to donate to the Morning Glory Program. The school also participates in a fundraiser to help multiple parish families.