Supporting the SGS Mission

St. Gregory the Great Annual Fund
Our Annual Fund directly benefits our students, as these funds remain an important component of our school operating budget to support classroom technology, student programs, facility improvements, and tuition assistance. Click here to make a donation to the Annual Fund

Sr Mary John O’Rourke Scholarship Fund
Your donation to the Sr. Mary John O’Rourke Scholarship Fund will help students in need of tuition assistance. The purpose of the fund is to help students obtain some level of tuition assistance when circumstances arise. Click here to make a donation

Shop with Scrip
There are 2 easy ways to buy gift cards and help our school. If you are ordering online, you may do so at anytime by visiting www.shopwithscrip.com and entering code 76C46AAE16198. If you prefer to order through our office, please click here for the order form. Whether you order online or with the order form, please send in payment in an envelope marked “Scrip” to Mrs. Kennen. Checks are payable to St. Gregory the Great School. Thank you!

Box Tops for Education
Just clip the Box Top Education coupons and send them into the school. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. St Gregory’s is paid via a rebate check.